Monday, June 29, 2015

Sometimes, ministers in training, come to Sunday school

Hi everyone!

So, this last week wasn't too exciting... I got  really sick on Friday and Saturday, so we stayed in. But luckily, as a missionary, you can never have too much paperwork, so we did paperwork while we were inside. We were also able to witness an AWESOME dust storm! Yes, my first dust storm! Did I document it for posterity's sake? Yes. Did I take pictures? No, but I took a video!! Or two... :) On the plus side, I was feeling betterby Sunday, so i was able to go to church. We also taught Gospel Principles this week and there were 2 nonmembers and 2 investigators (Sharlene and Stephanie) in class! It was awesome and the Spirit was so strong! Practically everyone in class bore their testimony of different parts of the lesson, so it was a really powerful experience. I was exhausted by the end of the lesson, though. It turns out that one of the  nonmembers is actually working on his Masters degree in theology and is preparing to become a minister, so that was interesting to find out. I'm just super glad that I didn't know that before the lesson, otherwise I would have been unnecessarily intimidated. After all, I HAVE a ministerial certificate of my very own. The Lord qualifies those whom he calls. But the lesson went extremely well. 

Other than that, the week was pretty mellow. I got to go back to Mesa on exchanges and it was really weird to be back in my old area. It probably didn't help that we were on bike in 117 degrees, but I survived :)

Well, besides that, Sister Isert and I are singing 3 times this week! So that should be fun. Stephanie is also getting baptized tomorrow!!!! I'm super duper duper excited for that! She's so excited to be baptized! She's so happy and she lights up every time she talks about it! She's been working toward it for so long! Now we just hope we can get tickets for her for General Conference so that she can come up  and watch it! It'll be so cool!

Anyway, I love you all a ton and hope that you all have a fantastic week and an absolutely WONDERFUL 4th of July!!!


1) So, I didn't have time to figure out how to turn the video right side up, so it's currently upside down, but this is Sis Isert's and my top pick for our mission song :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

In the desert, the arid desert, the sisters sweat again! Aweeeeoooeeeooooeee ahbumbawe


This week was fantastic! We had a baptism on Saturday!!!!! Yes, his name is Quinn, an adorable 8 year-old and it was so cool to see his dad (a recent convert) baptize and confirm him. It was amazing! And his non-member mother was there! It was a super crazy Saturday because there were actually 4 baptisms scheduled between the times of 6 and 7pm and so we had to arrange it so that we could all do our programs in different rooms in the building and THEN walk over to the font for the baptism. It was nice because we were able to hold ours in the Relief Society room (which is across the hall from the font) So we were able to see all 4 baptisms and Quinn's mom was able to view them all as well. It was an amazing day! And guess who forgot to take pictures? I did.... oops. I'll get them tonight, though. Never fear!

It's been a super busy week! We have another baptism scheduled for next week with Stephanie (haha it's a great name isn't it?) and we had a new investigator, Sharlene, come to church and she said that she wanted to get baptized in October! We weren't expecting her to have a date picked out already, so we were a bit floored. And she really enjoyed church yesterday and said that she would definitely come back! It was super funny because she came to our Gospel Principles class and we had another nonmember in class whose name was Arlene. So we had Sharlene and Arlene. It was so ironic :)

Other than that, this week has been a blur... Again. It must be the heat or something because it's been over 110 degrees consistently all week... Yep, it's definitely the heat.

In other news, Sister Isert and I discovered that, when I'm sick, my verbal filter goes *kahplut* Apparently it was a super hilarious experience. All I know is that I was super embarrassed and Sister Isert and Sister Grooms were on the floor, gasping for air. because they were laughing so hard. (Sigh) The joy that they have at my expense...

I love you all muchas muchas muchas and I can't wait to see you all soon! In case anyone was wondering, this is my 2nd to last email as a missionary.... :'( Stay smart, wash behind your ears and read your scriptures! haha


random pictures form the past few weeks.
1) the Pattersons, whom I miss dearly and am definitely going to visit when I get home

2) Our temple trip

3) We're not allowed to hold babies, so I had to find the next closest thing... Tippy
4) service with a smile!

Monday, June 15, 2015

I'm like an elephant, but cuter!

Hi everyone!

So, due to some technical difficulties, this keyboard that I'm typing on will not allow me to type certain letters/symbols. So, it it looks a little weird, it is haha.

This week has been pretty fun. It's been a super fun week because we got a car! Granted, it's only because Sister Isert isn't allowed to bike for a couple of weeks due to an injury, but it's been a major blessing! It's been so hot and biking around in this weather is no bueno. SO, a car has been lovely.

We met with both Stephanie and Quinn this week and they are both so excited and so ready to be baptized! Sister Isert and I will be singing at Stephanie's baptism on the 30th, then at our Mission Leadership Meeting on July 3rd and again on the 4th of July for a Chinese cultural celebration. We learned "I am a Child of God" in Mandarin and Cantonese. It's going to be super fun!

These past few weeks have been a bit of a blur. We had exchanges this week and I got to go to the Spanish Branch with Sister Vargas. It was really cool to spend most of the day in Spanish work and by the end of the day, I understood much more Spanish and I could speak at least a little bit more than I used to. I knew enough to say the closing prayer in Spanish in 2 of our lessons and it was super awesome! Our dinner was with Hermana Zalgado and she made us some super delicious tostadas! They weren't tex-mex tostadas, they were spicy chicken tostadas. They were absolutely delicious! But there's a funny story attached to this dinner. So, when Hermana Zalgado dished us up, she gave us 4 tosdadas each. Well, I've been raised to clean my plate, so I ate all of them. Of course, these tostadas weren't just any tostadas. Each one was about as big as my hand, with my fingers fully extended, and all were piled high with this spicy chicken. So, I ate 4 and then Hermana Zalgado asked for my plate. Me being the gringo that I am, I thought she was just clearing it for me. Then I look back at the stove and she's dishing me up more tostadas!!! I turned to Sister Vargas and asked if she could see how many more she was giving me. Sister Vargas turns around, snorts, and starts laughing! I asked her what had happened and she said that Hermana Zalgado was dishing me 4 more tostadas!! Despite the deliciousness of these marvelous tostadas, I thought I was going to die! I was already super full from the first 4 and then Hermana Zalgado plops my plate in front of me with the sweetest smile ever, and I knew I had to eat more. I ate 7 tostadas. 7 MASSIVE tostadas. The Lord loves his missionaries and definitely blesses them with stomachs that can down all of that food. It was delicious, but I was so full! I got the recipe, though, so I'll be able to make you all these authentic tostadas when I get home.

I love you all and want you all to know that I pray for you daily and that I'm so grateful to be here in Scottsdale! I wouldn't be a missionary for this church if I didn't know, with all my heart, that it's the restored church of Jesus Christ. I know it, and I know that God knows it, and I can't deny it.


PS the title comes from a wonderful quote by Sister Isert

Monday, June 8, 2015

Here's a look at the weather forecast!!


Jon, Morgan, and Travis:

(notice that this is the temperature AT NIGHT!)

All you Utahns:

Amy (rainy...something I miss):

Andrew [oh boy, you must be freezing! ;)]:

I got y'all BEAT!!!!! Haha just thought I'd put in a plug for this marvelous Arizona weather and it's looking like it's going to get hotter! But, no worries, I'm still biking around and loving every minute of it! I mean, where else can someone put a frozen capri sun in their bag at 10am and have it completely melted by noon? This week was pretty eventful. Sister Isert had some pretty epic crashes and may have sustained some minor injuries, so we're taking it a bit slower, but we're fine!

This week we had a couple miracles. One was from the lady that approached us last Sunday and wanted to meet with us. We've seen her twice since then and she's accepted baptism!! She set a tentative date for the winter, but we're hoping that she'll move it up as she learns more.

this week I got to have a few cool experiences. One of which was helping new immigrants in a service project. I was on exchanges with Sister Grooms and we got to help unload donations of furniture for these families that had just barely received visas to the United States, some of which entered the country under really dangerous circumstances and some had lived in refugee camps for over 10 years. It was really cool to hear their stories and to see the effect that the service had on them. There was only one refugee that could speak English, but despite the language barrier, we were able to communicate our love and concern to them through service. Service is the language of love, kindness, and charity that EVERYONE can understand. Actions truly DO speak louder than words.

Speaking of service, another miracle of the week happened wiith Chip. Chip is a nonmember that lives with 2 members (one of which is his daughter) and, just yesterday, he fed us dinner and then started telling us about all of the years that he had denied the missionary  lessons because he wasn't interested and then he said, "what I guess I'm trying to say is that, NOW, I'm interested." And we were able to set up times we could come and teach him!! And it all started with us weeding his yard. He wouldn't even stay in the room when we would come to visit, but this last week he stayed and even participated in the prayer! It was incredible!

I am so grateful that I get to serve here and see the change that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings into these people's lives. Its been one of the most humbling, inspiring and rewarding experiences that I've had in my entire life.

I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week! See you soon!


Monday, June 1, 2015

Let the summer begin

Hi everyone!!!

I am now getting a small taste of the Arizona summer! Don't worry, I"ll probably get more of taste as the month goes on. 

So, the weeks are becoming a bit of a blur (you know, the heat and all that)... That being said, I now only remember the good things that happened!!! :)

This week we had so many miracles!

Miracle 1: We had a random lady (that we had unsuccessfully tried to contact over a month ago) show up at church yesterday and ask for us! She wanted to meet with us this week!!! It was a miracle!

Miracle 2: We had a really good lesson with Ricky this week, but that's not all! So, background. When we go to teach Ricky, Chip (the family friend that he lives with) used to go back into his man cave and basically ignore us. But, recently, he's been staying in the kitchen when we visit and this week, he came into the room near the end of the lesson. But wait, there's more! He asked us, after the lesson, if he could talk with us the next time we came back!!!! We're keeping our fingers crossed that he wants to learn more!

Miracle 3: We've been able to visit with Kaitlin on a weekly basis and have been able to answer her questions and it's been amazing! Also, we're having dinner with President and Sister Sweeney this week! Apparently, my new companion makes some really really good curry. Not to worry, Amy, I'll enjoy it in your behalf!

Love you all and can't wait to see you all again! The countdown begins!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The LAST TRANSFER has begun

And you know what I keep telling myself?


Besides that, I had an absolutely AMAZING week! This last week we had many miracles! We had 2 people get on date for baptism!!! Stephanie walked up to us in the hallway at church and said that she'd picked June 30th as the date that she wanted to be baptized on and that she was ready to meet with us however often she needed to stick to that date! It was incredible because we hadn't recommitted her to pray about another date since the last one fell through! It was awesome! Also, on Monday, we were able to get Quinn on date for June 20th! It's just been one miracle after another and it's been super cool to see their progression!

Sister Gross and her sons are more involved at church now. They've come to church the last 4 weeks in a row and the difference in their home now compared to what it used to be is night and day. The spirit is there and they've even signed up to feed us several times this month! It's been amazing! They are some of my favorite people! We even made up a special handshake for Michael to use with all of the missionaries.

We met with Brother Cortina this week and he is doing much better! He hadn't been to church for a while, but one of the members went to visit him and the member invited him to come back to church. Well, he's been coming to church the last 3 weeks in a row and has been attending all three meetings! It just goes to show that member missionary work is so effective because we've been trying to visit him for months and that invitation just needed to come from a member of the ward. It was a miracle!

We were able to meet with Kaitlin and Kyle twice this week and we were able to talk about her commitment to baptism and we were able to have an actual "sit down" lesson with them. It's been so cool to see their commitment to learning more! It's been amazing to see how much has changed from when we first started meeting with her to now. The gospel really does change lives and it's so cool to see how it effects lives for the better.

This week I lost Sister MacKillop (sad day) but I got Sister Isert! Andrew, that name might be familiar to you. Why? Well, Sister Isert (or Becca, as she was known at that time) life-guarded with Andrew and I at Seven Peaks for 2 summers! She got called here right after I did and I thought, "We'll never be companions because I knew her before the mission." and look what happened?! She gets to be the person that sends me back to Provo! It's going to be a fun/crazy transfer, but there's a lot of things happening and we'll be super busy! I'm so excited, I love this work so much and it'll be a sprint to the finish because I have so little time left to wear this badge, so it's going to be exciting!

Also, as a side note: we got ipads this week. No biggie ;D Just kidding. It was a huge deal and the meeting we had was absolutely amazing! We had Elder David F Evans, Brother Allen and Brother Warner come and talk to us. THey wanted to shake our hands and Brother Allen looked at me and said, "Hi Hermana Lee! Didn't know your call is being changed to Spanish, did you?" I about had a heart attack. Thus, I have now downloaded the approved duolingo app and am now studying Spanish. My call hasn't changed yet, but I'm not taking any chances, especially when the head of the missionary department makes a comment like that.

Anyway, I love you all and will talk to you all next week!


Monday, May 18, 2015

Honey is Bee vomit

This week was full of little "light bulb" moments. We had several really good lessons, especially with Quinn and Stephanie. With Quinn, we taught him about the reason we are baptized and why it's so important. It was really cool to see his eyes light up when he understood it. With Stephanie, we got visit her AT HER HOUSE (no one gets to go to her house!) and we were able to talk to her for a while and answer tons and tons of questions. It was awesome to be able to help her understand the gospel better and it was wonderful to see her eyes light up.

We had a really good lesson with Kaitlin this week! We were able to clear up a lot of questions that she had from Sunday School last week  and we discovered that it's easier for her to focus when she's multitasking, so we taught the lesson while crocheting a blanket! Yep, we thought outside the box! It was super effective and now we're learning how to crochet while teaching her about the gospel. It's a win-win situation. 

There was an amazing thunderstorm this week and it poured for a couple of hours and the streets were completely flooded. When we were walking, I kept getting puddles of water in my shoes, so I finally took them of whenever we had to cross through the massive puddles and just put them back on when we were back on the sidewalk. Thank goodness for sturdy shoes. It was so cool and I was reminded of how much I love extreme weather! I was in heaven, especially because it cooled everything down to about 75 degrees, so that was wonderful :)

We had a miracle happen this week. There was a family that I was teaching in Mesa that moved to Scottsdale... In this ward!!! And we got to have a lesson with them this week! It was good to see them all again and we re-committed them to have family scripture study every night that week. It's funny how people are continuously put in our path. It's interesting how the Lord knows us and knows where we need to be. It was incredible to find out on Mother's Day that the person that donated the money for my sister's thesis trip is in the ward that I'm currently serving in. And we have dinner with them next week. It's really amazing how the Lord works. 

We had an interesting experience this week where I got to call on my rusty tech skills (as well as Heavenly Father) to help a less-active in our ward fix her dish hookup. She was super nice, but she kept forgetting who we were. It was especially funny that after we fixed her dish hookup and were trying to share a message, she kept turning the tv on to see if it still worked. We finally were able to change the channel from the Billboard music awards to BYU-TV and left her happily dancing to a really old and hilariously ridiculous movie that was playing (Bullwhip Griffin or something like that). She was a gem and she really brightened up our evening.

So, an explanation of the title of this email. We had dinner this last week with a lady that's in her 80s and that's a 4th degree black belt. Yep, pretty legit. But she had a great-grandson that ate with us (he's 7) and he's a very precocious child. He kept firing off all of these random facts about sharks and THEN (as we're all enjoying our ice cream and brownies) he suddenly bursts out saying "DID YOU KNOW THAT HONEY IS BEE VOMIT?!" We all laughed as his grandma tried to tell him that he shouldn't say those things at the dinner table. To which, he replied, "but we're done with dinner!" It was hilarious.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy to temperate weather because I'll be down here, biking around in the extreme heat. Talk to you all soon!
