So, first things first. It's COLD!!! Not in Scottsdale, the weather was pretty temperate, but my area that I've been assigned to is up in the mountains in a little town called Egaer. Because it's up in the mountains (elevation and all) it's cold. So, if you have the opportunity, I would really love to see a package that has my flat boots, blue flannel sheets, a hoodie, and fuzzy socks. I'll probably buy some more pairs of shoes, just so I can cycle through them so they all don't wear out so quickly and some leggings/tights.
My new companion is AWESOME! Her name is Sister Andrus and she's been in this area around 4 of the 6 months that she's been out. We share a really nice trailer house with two Hermanas. Hermana Carrio and Sanchez. Hermana Sanchez is from Spain and is several weeks from going home and Hermana Carrio has just hit the half-way point. They were really sweet and put up a sign my room above my bed that said welcome. I haven't taken a picture of it yet, but I promise to get a picture to you ASAP. I was finally able to find my computer cord ( in my shoulder bag of all places) so I'm going to try to attach my pics, but it's loading them really slowly.
Mom, It was so good to hear from you and Jen again. I really miss you all! Dad, I'm so sorry that our call got dropped at the airport. I'm glad that I at least got to tell you that I loved you. When the call actually dropped, I burst into tears. There was a really nice woman in the airport that walked up to me and my companion and gave me her phone to call, but I had the distinct impression to let one of the Elders use the phone because he didn't have a calling card. He was able to talk to his family and I know that he felt much better.

The plane ride was nice, I had an aisle seat and I slept most of the way down. We had to get up at
3am to get everything ready to be checked out by the new STLs and get to the bus by
4:30am. We were stuck out in the cold for a bit while a guy loaded the luggage onto the bus (there was only one guy doing it for 2 different buses), but we were on the bus and on our way to the airport at
5am. When we got to the airport, they didn't have my boarding pass with the rest of the group, so they sent me to a different desk. The guy tried looking me up in the computer, but he said that I wasn't listed on the flight AT ALL! So, he did a bunch of computer stuff for the next 5 minutes and got me on the flight sitting with my group. So, that was the most dramatic thing that happened. Except for the fact that they confiscated my toothpaste out of my carry-on, but I felt like that was small in comparison.
When we got to Phoenix, my mission president and his wife were waiting for us outside the gate with the APs and they took us to the Mesa Temple where we had a snack in the parking lot and then toured the Visitor's Center and took some pictures that are probably on the blog by now.

Afterwards, we drove to the mission home which is next door to a church building, so we dropped our bags off in one of the rooms, did some training, got assigned new companions, then they sent us out to do street contacting until dinner (with more experienced missionaries). That was an enlightening experience, but, in retrospect, I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. The sisters spent the night at Sister McConkie's apartment (her husband's uncle is elder McConkie) and then the next day I got certified to drive here and then I was set up with Sister Andrus. We then drove the 5 hours to get to our house and by that time I was a bit car-sick, so she took me to the house and we did planning and she showed me around and went over the rules. Today is p-day only because it's transfer week, so our normal p-day is
on Monday. We'll be coming to the library at
10:30am because that's when it opens and it's not super busy. Just so you're all aware.
Apparently, our mission is going to be doing Facebook stuff and we'll get mini ipads in February, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my comopanion and I will be assigned to Facebook chat or something. I feel much more comfortable typing than talking to people, but I'll be ok with whatever the Lord has me do.
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