This picture was found on the Arizona Scottsdale Mission website. The post that accompanies this photo can be found here.
Monday, February 24, 2014
New transfer, new week!
Hi Everyone!
So this week has been pretty interesting. My new companion and I have been working really really really hard! We had a really good experience at District meeting this last week. We decided that we needed to be more unified as a district, so we set some district goals. One of the goals was to offer service to everyone that we come in contact with, which is really hard up here because everyone is so self-sufficient. So, we helped one family clean their kitchen and prep for their son's birthday party that evening. It turned out really well because it was a part-member family and the husband actually let us teach him the first lesson and we invited him to read the Book of Mormon and he agreed! They even invited us back over for dinner that evening! (Manicotti, it was yummy!) We then went and cleaned some blinds and ceiling fans and learned how to split wood!! Yep, everyone here chops their own wood for their fires and everyone has a wood-burning stove up here, so it only made sense that we would learn how to split wood! I mean, that would make us more "service marketable" or something like that. Anyway, it was fun and VERY stress relieving. I now know why guys go out and split wood if they're angry. There's something cathartic about it. Anyway, I attached a pic, and yes, my eyes may be closed, but that's because I'm glorying in the work and the service :)Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Crazy crazy stuff
So, I have something that I need to tell you all.I'M SORRY I DIDN'T WRITE ON MONDAY :(
This week was transfer week (which I neglected to say last week and have called myself to repentance and will give advance warning in the future). So, on transfer week, if your companion is transferred, you have p-day on Wednesday; today. Sister Andrus was transferred back to the valley after spending 6 months (1/3 of her mission) up here in Eager. I got a new companion, Sister Goodwin, who was actually my day trainer the first day that I spent in the Scottsdale mission! Cool stuff, huh?
The next day, she asked for some help with a power-point presentation for the missionaries so we spent a few hours putting one together for her while she and President went and picked up the new missionaries. I absolutely LOVED helping out in the mission home and having that extra time to read my scriptures and "contemplate the eternities". That, and it was nice and warm in Scottsdale. On Tuesday, Sister Sweeney asked if we would help her out with the power-point presentation and so I got to do that as well! I got my new companion and they had us switch cars. Buma, our jeep, apparently needed a bit more culture so they sent him to the Apache Reservation and we got a brand new car with only 200 miles on it. I like the car, but it'll be interesting to use it on some of the roads up here. It's like off-roading sometimes.
Monday, February 10, 2014
The week of Snow and blessings
Hi everyone!
So this week was pretty cool (haha mum, I made a pun just for you). Literally, cool. We got bunch of snow on Tuesday that actually stuck to the ground until Thursday, so I felt like I was back home! Anyway, on Monday it was P-day and Sister Andrus and I popped over to the Bakers (the senior couple in the area) for some help with my focusing issues. Quick background, my hands have to be busy when I'm studying and I felt like I was distracting Sister Andrus with my tape, cutting paper, and making a bit of noise during study. So, we went over to Sister Baker's and she taught me how to crochet. It's much quieter and my study has become 10Xs more effective. Monday night we had a big dinner with the Stake Presidency and the other missionaries in the area and, lo and behold, the mission president and his wife show up!! They were up in the area for interviews (which we had with them on Wednesday) and they just dropped by. It was by far, one of the coolest family home-evenings that I've ever been to. We ate dinner (posse stew) and then we sang a few songs while we waited for the other Sisters to arrive. Apparently there's a tradition up here that if you're new to the area, they have you solo a song. Thank heaven I wasn't the only newbie, so I had some company when they asked me to sing a Child's Prayer.
On Saturday, we actually had a lesson with a referral and she was so READY to learn about the Gospel. She has some LDS friends and she had gone into the LDS bookstore to buy a Book of Mormon because she wanted to read it! When we met her, she had so many questions and she was just drinking it all in! The Lord definitely prepares people. The seed may have been planted years ago, but when people are ready, they are ready.
Anyway, I hope everything at home is going well. I want you all to know that I pray for you constantly and that I know everything will turn our well!
Sister Lee
PS here are some sunrise pictures of what the snow looked like on Thursdaywhen we woke up!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Another week!
Hey everyone!
Another week has gone by and it's been a pretty great week! Last Monday we had a zone activity for the Sister missionaries in St. Johns and it was really fun getting to know all of the Sisters in my zone and getting to see the Snowflake sisters. We did a lot of activities, one of which was playing charades by acting out scenes from the Book of Mormon. Sister Andrus and I got "Lehi receiving the Liahona" and "Nephi kills Laban". For the Liahona,S ister Andrus crawled under my legs (pretending to be Lehi coming out of his tent) and we used the circulating sprinkler (from the yard) and used it as the Liahona. I jammed my finger in spinny mechanism, so it was pretty swollen for the rest of the day.On Tuesday we were finally able to visit some of our less-actives that we've been trying to get a hold of for weeks and it was a really good experience. We had an appointment with an investigator at 2pm, but she ended up cancelling because of an emergency at work. But, looking on the bright side, the member that had offered to come DID show up and I got about 30 minutes of piano practice (hymns of course!) while we waited. One of our less-actives that we've been teaching the lessons to, Jeff, is progressing really well and he's come to church 3 weeks in a row!! He doesn't stay after Sacrament Meeting, but the point is that he's coming again after 20-some odd years of inactivity! We also had a whole slew of investigators that came to Sacrament meetingon Sunday and some even stayed for Sunday School AND Relief Society! It's been a fantastic week and I can really see the difference that the fasting up here has done. The entire stake is doing a 40-day fast for missionary work up here and it's truly amazing what has been happening. Jeff was originally a "do not contact" and some of the other investigators and less-actives that we've been seeing have been having miraculous experiences that have pointed them back to church and the members have been so helpful! We've gotten so many referrals because members are just talking to their friends and ASKING them if they want to hear about forever families, or if they want to know what makes Mormons different. It doesn't hurt to ask and it doesn't affect their friendships.
oh, and one of the pics in the previous email is what the canyon looked like on the way down to the valley. We actually hit a snowstorm on the way back to Eager from the Gilbert Temple!
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