Monday, February 24, 2014

New transfer, new week!

Hi Everyone!
So this week has been pretty interesting. My new companion and I have been working really really really hard! We had a really good experience at District meeting this last week. We decided that we needed to be more unified as a district, so we set some district goals. One of the goals was to offer service to everyone that we come in contact with, which is really hard up here because everyone is so self-sufficient. So, we helped one family clean their kitchen and prep for their son's birthday party that evening. It turned out really well because it was a part-member family and the husband actually let us teach him the first lesson and we invited him to read the Book of Mormon and he agreed! They even invited us back over for dinner that evening! (Manicotti, it was yummy!) We then went and cleaned some blinds and ceiling fans and learned how to split wood!! Yep, everyone here chops their own wood for their fires and everyone has a wood-burning stove up here, so it only made sense that we would learn how to split wood! I mean, that would make us more "service marketable" or something like that. Anyway, it was fun and VERY stress relieving. I now know why guys go out and split wood if they're angry. There's something cathartic about it. Anyway, I attached a pic, and yes, my eyes may be closed, but that's because I'm glorying in the work and the service :)
The 40-day fast that our stake has done has had some incredible results. people that weren't willing to listen to the missionaries in the past are now letting us in and listening to our message. People have questions and they are actually ASKING!! And the members are really throwing themselves into the work. We've gotten so many referrals that we're stunned. The work is really taking off and it's really amazing what fasting and prayer can do.
In other news, the Gilbert Temple dedication is on Sunday and we get to attend the broadcast! And then a few days later, they're allowing the missionaries to go to the temple! I'm so excited because I haven't been able to go in so long! Take advantage of the fact that the temples are nearby and that you have the opportunity to attend on a regular basis. That's something I miss the most, but I'm helping others get to the temple, and that's just as gratifying. Anyway, I love you all and I pray for you constantly, so be good, stay in school, wash behind your ears, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! haha
Sister Stephanie Lee

Oh, the picture with the truck is actually in a junkyard. One of our less-actives lives in the junkyard and I wanted to get a memento. (Yes, they live in a house in the junkyard)

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